Consumption Methods

Explore the diverse ways cannabis can be consumed, each offering a unique experience. From the traditional methods of smoking and vaporizing to the innovative approaches of edibles, tinctures, and topicals, learn about the nuances of each method including onset times, effect durations, and bioavailability.


In the world of cannabis, a "doink" or "doinks" is a slang term that describes a particularly large and thick hand-rolled marijuana cigarette. Unlike your standard joint, doinks are known for their impressive size and are typically rolled with high-quality paper filled exclusively with cannabis and ...


A "spliff" is a term commonly used to refer to a cannabis cigarette that is typically made by combining marijuana with tobacco. It is a popular method of consuming cannabis, especially in certain regions or cultures such as the U.K. The term "spliff" is often associated with a joint that contains bo...


Joint is a common term used in the cannabis industry to refer to a marijuana cigarette. It typically consists of ground cannabis flower rolled in a thin paper, similar to a tobacco cigarette. Joints are a popular method of consuming cannabis due to their convenience and ease of use. When lit, the ca...


A quarter in the context of cannabis refers to a measurement unit commonly used to quantify the amount of marijuana. It represents one-fourth of an ounce, which is approximately 7 grams. This term is widely used in the cannabis industry and among consumers to describe a specific quantity of cannabis...

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