Weed Butter

Weed butter, also known as cannabis-infused butter or cannabutter, is a type of butter that has been infused with cannabinoids, such as THC and CBD, extracted from the cannabis plant. It is commonly used as an ingredient in cooking and baking to create edibles with psychoactive or therapeutic effect...

Wake And Bake

Wake and Bake refers to the act of consuming cannabis shortly after waking up, typically in the morning. It has become a popular term within cannabis culture and is often associated with starting the day off with a relaxing or euphoric experience. The term "Wake and Bake" emphasizes the idea of usin...

Weed Grinder

A weed grinder is a tool used to break down cannabis buds into smaller, more manageable pieces. It typically consists of two or more interlocking pieces with sharp teeth or pegs that shred the buds when twisted or turned. The ground cannabis can then be used for various purposes, such as rolling joi...

Water Hash

Water hash is a cannabis concentrate made by separating trichomes from the plant material using ice water. It is a solventless extraction method that involves agitation of the cannabis plant material in cold water, causing the trichomes to break off and sink to the bottom. The mixture is then filter...

Water Pipe

A water pipe, also known as a bong, is a device used for smoking cannabis. It typically consists of a vertical tube or chamber filled with water, a bowl or slide to hold the cannabis, and a mouthpiece for inhaling the smoke. When the cannabis is lit and the user inhales through the mouthpiece, the s...


The term "weediquette" refers to the etiquette or social norms surrounding the use of cannabis. It encompasses behaviors, practices, and manners that are considered appropriate or respectful within the cannabis community. Weediquette can include aspects such as sharing cannabis with others...


Wax is a type of cannabis concentrate that is known for its high potency. It is made through a process of extracting cannabinoids and terpenes from the cannabis plant, resulting in a sticky and wax-like substance. This concentrate is typically consumed by vaporizing it using a dab rig or a vaporizer...

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