FECO stands for Full Extract Cannabis Oil. It is a concentrated form of cannabis oil that is made by extracting the full range of cannabinoids, terpenes, and other beneficial compounds from the cannabis plant. The extraction process typically involves the use of solvents, such as ethanol or CO2, to ...


FIMing is a cannabis cultivation technique that involves selectively removing the top part of a plant's main stem. This process encourages the plant to grow multiple new branches, resulting in a bushier and more compact plant structure. FIM stands for "Fuck I Missed," referring to the...

Fungus Gnat

Fungus gnats are small, flying insects that are commonly found in cannabis cultivation. They are attracted to the moist soil and organic matter commonly used in cannabis growing environments. Fungus gnats lay their eggs in the soil, and the larvae feed on organic material and plant roots, potentiall...


Fogger is a term commonly used in the cannabis industry to refer to a type of pest control method. It involves the use of fogging machines or devices to disperse pesticides or insecticides in the form of a fine mist or fog. This technique is often employed to combat pests such as mites, aphids, or f...


Flushing is a technique used in cannabis cultivation to remove any residual nutrients from the plant's growing medium before harvest. It involves watering the plants with plain, pH-balanced water for a period of time, typically 1-2 weeks, prior to harvest. The purpose of flushing is to enhance ...

Flood Table

A flood table is a cultivation technique used in cannabis cultivation. It involves the use of a table or tray that is filled with a nutrient-rich solution, which is then flooded and drained periodically. This technique allows the plants to absorb the necessary nutrients and water more efficiently. F...

Fan Leaf

A fan leaf is a large, flat leaf that grows on a cannabis plant. These leaves are typically broad with multiple serrated edges, resembling a hand fan. Fan leaves play an important role in the photosynthesis process of the plant, absorbing light energy and converting it into chemical energy. They als...

Flowering Time

Flowering time refers to the period when a cannabis plant transitions from the vegetative stage to the flowering stage. It is a crucial stage in cannabis cultivation as it determines when the plant will start producing buds. The duration of flowering time can vary depending on the strain, environmen...

Full Spectrum Extract

Full Spectrum Extract refers to a type of cannabis extract that contains a wide range of cannabinoids, terpenes, and other beneficial compounds found in the cannabis plant. Unlike other types of extracts that isolate specific compounds, full spectrum extracts aim to capture the synergistic effects o...


Fenchol is a terpene commonly found in cannabis plants. It is known for its pleasant, woody aroma with hints of pine and mint. Fenchol is believed to have potential therapeutic properties, including anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. It may also contribute to the entourage effect, enhancing th...


The term "420" is commonly associated with cannabis culture. It refers to the act of consuming cannabis or the time of day (4:20 PM) when many cannabis enthusiasts choose to partake. The origin of the term is often attributed to a group of high school students in the 1970s who would meet at 4:20 PM ...

Feminized Seeds

Feminized seeds are a type of cannabis seeds that have been bred to produce only female plants. In the cultivation of cannabis, female plants are preferred because they produce the resinous flowers that contain the highest concentration of cannabinoids, including THC and CBD. Feminized seeds are cre...

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