
A hygrometer is a device used to measure and monitor the humidity levels in the air. It is commonly used in cannabis cultivation to ensure optimal growing conditions. Maintaining proper humidity levels is crucial for the health and growth of cannabis plants. Too much humidity can lead to mold and mi...

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a chemical compound commonly used in various industries, including cannabis cultivation. It is a colorless liquid with strong oxidizing properties. In cannabis cultivation, hydrogen peroxide can be used for multiple purposes. It can help disinfect tools, surfaces, and hydroponic...


Hydroponics is a cultivation method that involves growing plants in a nutrient-rich water solution without the use of soil. This technique allows for precise control over nutrient levels, pH balance, and water content, providing optimal conditions for plant growth. Hydroponics is gaining popularity ...

Humidity Dome

A humidity dome is a device used in cannabis cultivation to create a controlled environment for young plants. It is a transparent cover that fits over a tray or container and helps to trap moisture and heat, creating a humid and warm environment. This is beneficial for seed germination and early pla...


The hypocotyl is a part of a cannabis plant's anatomy. It refers to the section of the stem that connects the embryonic root (radicle) and the embryonic shoot (plumule). During the germination process, the hypocotyl emerges from the seed and grows upward, pushing the cotyledons (seed leaves) ab...


HPS, or High-Pressure Sodium, is a type of lighting commonly used in cannabis cultivation. It produces a strong, yellowish light that is beneficial for the flowering stage of cannabis plants. HPS lights emit a spectrum of light that closely mimics natural sunlight, promoting healthy growth and maxim...

Hard Water

Hard water refers to water that contains a high concentration of minerals, such as calcium and magnesium. When used in cannabis cultivation, hard water can have both positive and negative effects. On the positive side, it can provide essential nutrients to the plants. However, it can also lead to is...


A hermaphrodite in the context of cannabis cultivation refers to a plant that has both male and female reproductive organs. This condition can occur naturally or be induced by stress factors such as light leaks, temperature fluctuations, or nutrient imbalances. Hermaphroditic plants pose a challenge...


Hashish, also known as hash, is a concentrated form of cannabis. It is made from the resin of the cannabis plant, which contains high levels of cannabinoids such as THC. The production process involves collecting the resin from the trichomes of the plant and then compressing it into a solid form. Ha...

Hash Oil

Hash oil is a concentrated cannabis extract that is made by using solvents to dissolve the essential oils and cannabinoids from the plant material. The resulting oil is highly potent and can vary in color and consistency depending on the extraction method. It is commonly used for its high THC conten...

Honey Oil

Honey oil, also known as cannabis oil or hash oil, is a concentrated form of cannabis extract. It is made by extracting the essential oils and cannabinoids from the cannabis plant using a solvent, such as butane or ethanol. The resulting oil is highly potent and can contain high levels of THC, the p...


Hot boxing or hotboxing refers to the practice of smoking or vaping cannabis in an enclosed space, such as a car or small room, to maximize the inhalation of the resulting smoke or vapor. This method is believed to intensify the effects of cannabis due to the increased concentration of smok...


Hybrid cannabis refers to a type of cannabis strain that is a crossbreed between two or more different varieties of cannabis plants. These plants are bred to combine the desirable traits of both parent strains, such as the potency of one strain and the aroma of another. Hybrids can be categorized in...

Hydroponic Media

The term "hydroponic media" refers to the growing medium used in hydroponic systems for cannabis cultivation. Hydroponics is a method of growing plants without soil, where the plant's roots are directly exposed to a nutrient-rich water solution. The hydroponic media serves as a suppor...

Hydroponic Sprouting

Hydroponic sprouting is a cultivation method that involves growing plants without soil. Instead, plants are grown in a nutrient-rich water solution. This technique is commonly used in cannabis cultivation to provide precise control over nutrient intake and environmental conditions. By eliminating so...


Hemp is a variety of the Cannabis plant that is primarily grown for its industrial uses. It is known for its tall and sturdy stalks, which are rich in fibers. Hemp fibers can be used to make various products, including textiles, rope, paper, and construction materials. Unlike marijuana, hemp has ver...

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