A blinker is a slang term for taking a hit on a cannabis vape pen with some differences. The actual term is in reference to inhaling the vape until it "blinks", meaning it will start to flash its LED light, typically yellow or white, but colors can vary--in a blinking fashion. Typically, it will take 8-10 seconds for the vape pen to reach this point when it will automatically cut out to prevent further inhalation of the THC vapor. It's become somewhat of a challenge in cannabis culture, with enthusiasts attempting to master the art of the blinker. This phenomenon has even made its way to TikTok, where users share their attempts at conquering the blinker challenge. To achieve this legendary inhale, you need massive iron lungs and the THC tolerance of an army of seasoned tokers. It's not for the faint-hearted; it's a feat reserved for the most experienced cannabis enthusiasts. So, if you're up for the challenge, grab your vape, take a deep breath, and prepare for the ultimate blinker experience.

What is a blinker hit?

A blinker hit is when you inhale from a vape pen continuously until the light at the tip starts blinking. This mainly happens after about eight to ten seconds of drawing in weed vapor. The blinking light (hence the name blinker) acts as a built-in timer that tells you it’s time to stop, helping prevent the device from overheating and preserving the battery’s life. Many users who attempt hitting a blinker don’t realize just how much vapor they’re pulling in until it’s too late. It often ends with them coughing a fair bit, which, while it might be funny to onlookers, is a clear sign they’ve overdone it. As seen in popular culture, blinker hits have become a kind of urban challenge. @Blazintheasian on YouTube has popularized what he calls the “blinker challenge,” where he roams city streets encouraging people to try taking blinker hits, everyone from a McDonald’s employee to the CEO of Walmart are attempting the blinker challenge. His videos show just how intense these hits can be, often resulting in dramatic reactions that are both humorous and cautionary.

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