Synthetic Cannabinoids

Synthetic cannabinoids are human-made chemicals that mimic the effects of the natural cannabinoids found in cannabis. You can think of them like artificial, lab-synthesized versions of the cannabinoids found in nature. Scientists create them in labs for different purposes, like medical research or making drugs. However, they’re very popular in states that don’t have legal or decriminalized cannabis yet. Normally, these compounds are synthesized from cannabinoids like CBD found in hemp plants since there is a loophole under the 2018 US Farm Bill making them legal. However, it’s still up for debate whether synthetic cannabinoids are safe in the long term. Sometimes, these synthetic cannabinoids end up in products sold as "fake weed" or "spice." They can be much stronger and potentially more dangerous than real cannabis, with unpredictable effects and risks. That said, we recommend sticking to the real stuff! Some examples of synthetic cannabinoids include Delta-8 THC, THC-O, THC-P, and THC-M. 

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